Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Father, how I mourn for you. You are the sovereign God worthy of all praise, and all Glory. You deserve it more than anyone, and receive it not. The angels sing to you, but the creation, made in your image, denies you of the honor you are due. This weakens my heart Lord. As I write this, humans give their worship to everything in this world accept you; placing their mind upon everything that appears right in their own eyes; Worshiping other Gods, Idolizing self image, and the works of man. You allow this for now out of your great mercies, giving them one more breath to possibly accept you. Then you have your children here on earth who shame you; who allow the dammed to remain as they are without speaking the truth that can free their soul. How you must weep, my Aboni, at the sight to behold when you look at this oasis in the midst of a dangerous land.You have made everything as it should be, to protect us from hostility of are seemingly limitless environment. How the heavens show only a part of your glory! we look at them, and are marveled by what we find, captivating our mind. These celestial bodies are only your creation, and yet far beyond human comprehension. God, how worthy you are of so much more than I could give. Then you raise it further beyond our imagination by giving yourself to us. How unworthy I am to even speak your most indirect name. This wretched body of death, worthy only of hell in you presence; attempting to praise you in the only way it finds its self able; by relying on his pathetic excuse of literature that you have allowed him.Thank you for pardoning my unworthiness of such an act that many take for granted, not showing proper reverence. Humble us lord, and show us how to worship you in spirit and truth.