a bit off from what I normally blog about but I think it needs to be said
Lately I have paid close attention to the actions of our current administration. The more I observe them, the more concerned I become, because of their movement towards Nationalism, and their association with confessed communists; such as Van Jones. I see that our current administration desires to move us down the road of socialism, and with all the failed attempts of this form of government I must say, if we head down that path there is a dark road ahead of us.
To begin, I’ll explain what I mean by Socialism. “Collective ownership, democratic control of the material means of production by the workers and the people. I realize definitions are boring, but for the sake of my argument I must use another quote from a socialist.
“Basic economic decisions, as well as political decisions, must reflect the common good. The entire economy should operate for the good of the entire society, with no one left behind.
No private concentrations of capital or other wealth, and no other types of private concentrations of power.
The end of money's domination over society. The end of the priority of property and private greed.
Socialism will complete what democracy began-- the transfer of sovereignty in all spheres from elites to the people.
"Communal ownership of land and capital." “
--Bertrand Russell in Roads to Freedom.
In essence, Socialism may sound like a good thing. Every child, mother, and grandpa is taken care of. Poverty is eliminated and all people, no matter their race, are considered equal. Everyone has a job and each person is given the same thing. In theory, this makes a perfect balance between every person. In practice, it caused The U.S.S.R. to have the highest production in recorded history. It allowed countries such as England, France, and Canada to nationalize their health care and education programs. It would seem to reason that sharing everything and causing everyone to work as one body towards one common goal, would cause all of these things to work flawlessly together to form a successful economy. With that well-built economy, it would increase the ability to meet the people’s needs, and create a very stable nation.
The problem within this idea is it only works in theory. You could think of it as an ant colony. Ants are directed by one head - the queen. That queen can represent the government that has centralized power with the supposed goal of caring for the nests health, by producing more jobs. Everyone else is the people, each with a certain dictated job by the queen. Only so many of a certain ant can be around or there is a build up of laziness so the work must meet a high enough level that every worker has a job.
For the ant this is very easily done due too the lack of actual thinking in comparison to the human. It is much easier to control and cause mindless pawns to roll together into one super organism, than to force many individuals into the same position for one group of representative’s or dictators, as they should be called, ideals. If you believe that humans are nothing more than a resource, and the main thing is the survival of the whole over the individual’s rights, then Socialism may appear as the perfect form of government, but I disagree.
Socialism argues for all things to be ruled by the people for the people, sounds like democracy like we have here in America, doesn’t it? However, there is one major difference. America is a republic democracy. Yes, the people have the power, but there is a set law that must be obeyed. The reason for this is the protection of the individual; to make the one with an opposing view to the popular view or goal has an equal standing amongst that majority. That way the individual is not expendable, but an equal and needed part of society.
In the Socialistic view, the opposition in the minority is nothing more than a disease that prevents meeting the highest standard of production for the common good. There is no room for debate, or liberty. You only have such things if you fall under the same dogma as those in power.
With the ideal that all people should work towards the common good of the whole , it leaves open the “moral” decision to eradicate anything that may go against or resist that common good, no matter what it might be.
Now if you look at what Socialism teaches, you will not hear such statements as genocide, or destruction of opposition. They will claim that, by leaving free speech, and the press without restrictions, it will actually help socialism to work in the way it was intended. Perhaps that is true, but what the Socialists of the past said, and what they did are entirely different things.
We have people, such as Chairman Mao, who killed millions of his own people in his several decades as a leader of China, Hitler, from the nationalist socialist party (Nazi), wiped out close to ten million people, from the Jews to school teachers of his own race. Then you have Mother Russia, the panicle of all socialism, where it transferred into communism, just as Karl Marx theorized in his manifesto.
I bring up so many cruel persons, with the ideology of centralizing power for the common good of the people, to show how vile socialism becomes in practice. It is nothing more than conquest of a nation into the hands of the few under the name of the many.
I cannot stand for something that rips out the very heart of the person, ridding them of their unique attributes, to make them nothing more than ants that are expendable resources for the good of everyone else. This idea justifies the genocides that have taken and are taking place. All that has to be said is the death of this class will enhance the survival of this class. It is not the elimination of the class system that the socialist fights for, but the living, breathing beast of a cast system all over again, except it is in a far more destructive form than can be imagined.
Ask the prisoners of Mother Russia, and Red China to see how equal they are in comparison to their keepers. The prisoner has no rights; he or she is treated as if they are sub human. They become nothing more than a screaming ragdoll for their oppressors amusement.
With all these negative and grotesque acts done in the name of the common good that is never truly defined; our current administration is heading down that road. They wish to gain control of 40% of the GDP. They have already nationalized industry with policies in support of unions, and taken control of the automotive industry. They have taken control of several banks and dictate their every move, and now they want to control health care.
Where will this end? Will it be when they physically place the chains of slavery upon you? Is it then that you will finally rally against this atrocity? I cannot wait that long, and neither can you. We are coming to close to the line that must not be crossed or the America that we know the land of the free and the home of the brave will be no more.
There is a place at the top of waterfalls that if you go past it, there is nothing anyone in the world can do to prevent you from going off of that cliff. By the time the chains come we will be falling off that waterfall, but we can still stop ourselves from crossing the line of no return.
Perhaps you think I’m crazy trying to recreate the red scare, or the witch hunts for communists but I’m not. I only desire that our politicians stop what they’re doing and think of the oath they took to protect the constitution. If you follow their current course of action, word, and philosophy the constitution is nothing but a floor mat and a hindrance to their revolution.
Perhaps, this is why they were elected, because the people of America laid down their will to be independent and free, and desire to be entirely cared for by the government. They don’t care about the rights they have, and believe all the blood that was shed in the past two hundred years was a waste. If that is what America, believes then let us push on to become socialists, ridding of the individual, and destroying the minority in the name of the common good. Let’s strengthen the central powers so they control our lives, and decide where we work, what we eat, how we raise our children, and every other facet of our lives. Let’s allow those in power to treat everything as a statistic and believe they are playing with numbers instead of people like themselves. If this is what the American people want then so be it.
However, I doubt that is what America wants. We didn’t elect people so they could trample down our rights, but so they would protect our rights and represent the people. Not ruling over them, but acting as a humble servant to the people. Putting forth the constitutes agenda, and not their own. That is the Job of the Senator. Not to force things down our throat and use scare tactics. Like it must be done now or everything will fall apart, as they did with the TARP Bill, Stimulus, and now trying to do with the health care plan.
At this point you are probably wondering what you can do about it. How can I stop them from moving down this road that doesn’t express who I am, and doesn’t add up with my values or beliefs? You think that you are only one voice, and by yourself there is little you can do. Thanks be to God that isn’t the truth. Here’s what can be done, become informed, if you don’t know what is going on how can you speak out for or against it. You must look at every source, and check it out see how it adds up and ties together. There are a giant slew of resources such as the internet, the news, and talk radio to get informed and make an educated opinion.
The next step would be organizing. Look for other people with similar opinions and work together to protest and stand against what you don’t want happening in your nation. Finally take advantage of every right from the constitution; you still have to speak out and let your representatives know it. Call them, send them letters with your complaints, and if they don’t listen vote them out and put in someone who will do the job!
I must say again that Socialism has a dark record of brutality and always morphs into something far worse than what was intended. We cannot, as free people, allow something like this to become a part of our country. We cannot allow one groups ideology have so much power that everyone must bow to its will. We must stand against these tentacles of tyranny, and like a faithful guard dog, we can’t stop snapping our teeth until the intruder has left.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
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